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Know your talent today, build your ideal workforce for tomorrow

Internal Talent gives you an unparalleled view into skills across your organization, enabling HR to identify risks, talent gaps, and areas of strength to apply precision to talent strategy.

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Find the right people for critical roles

With Internal Talent, combine the effectiveness of SeekOut’s automated skills profiles with Power Filters to find the right person with the right skills within your organization. Filter based on skills, experiences, certifications, education and other relevant criteria to pinpoint the best candidate and match them to open roles in your organization.

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Understand your talent today

Access a real-time, up-to-date view of the skills and experiences of your employees. Each employee’s skills profile is automatically updated with information from internal and external sources including your ATS, HRIS, LMS, and other systems of record.

Plan for your future workforce - SeekOut Grow

Plan for your future workforce

Sprint towards the workforce of the future. With SeekOut’s holistic view of your employee’s skills and experiences, you can better understand your skills gaps, risks and opportunities. Use this deep knowledge of your employees to build, buy, or borrow talent and fulfill your company strategy with more accuracy than ever before.


Contact Us

SeekOut Grow empowers talent and business leaders to maximize their organization while helping employees to realize their career development and advancement goals. Ready to see it in action? Request your free demo today!

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